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5 life-changing lessons you can learn from the movie ‘Yes Man’

This movie was released last year but why is it related to life and personal growth? It is really a magnificent film if you are able to extract some important keys to live life happily. Therefore, let me do the work for you. I analyzed the movie and learned many important keys to live life the way we want. I will explain the lessons and at the end of each lesson I will describe how we can implement them in our lives.

Alright, now let’s get started.

Lesson 5 – Don’t let your past take control of you.

This is the last lesson I learned in this movie. In Yes Man, Carl will be deeply affected by the divorce and his previous relationship. He let this event in his life control him by avoiding his friends and locking himself up equipped with some DVD movies to kill time in his apartment.

What you can do: If you really are in that much pain, especially your past life, then this is the time for you to make the decision to kill them with positive actions. To go out with your friends. Spend some time doing what you love. The key is to stay busy until you don’t have enough time to think about your painful past. You can choose to be happy.

Lesson 4 – Ignore or avoid opportunities.

There are many opportunities that come to Carl at many events, but he turned them all down by saying ‘No’. He was really good at turning down opportunities. Some of the opportunities that came his way are so valuable that he could have been promoted at a very early stage. The word ‘No’ has put you in the place where there would be no growth.

What you can do: There would be no growth in life if we kept rejecting the opportunities that present themselves. Saying yes to some of the opportunities by taking action on them can change your life. You can start now with simple changes that say yes to your child having a picnic this weekend. It can be anything and you just have to remember the key that if you take action on opportunities, there will be growth in your life.

Lesson 3 – Saying Yes can open your mind to new possibilities.

After Carl attends the seminar, he will make a pact to say yes to every opportunity that comes his way. He will be able to discover different areas of life, even a very good experience where he could save a man from jumping out of his apartment. He learned to play guitar, flight lessons and even learned to speak Korean.

What you can do: There is something very simple and easy that you can do. Let’s do this together for fun. Just for one week try to say yes to things you would normally say no to. You don’t have to work as hard as Carl did in the movie, but you can do it according to your will and desire. Try new things, like learning a new piece of instrument. Have fun.

Lesson 2 – There is nothing wrong with giving to others.

It is true because everything we give will be returned to us a hundred times greater. All the good that we do or give to others will come back to us for our benefit. There is a sweet example in this movie where Carl, after attending the seminar, will take an old man back home and even give him all of his money. This would be a bad thing for Carl, but since he gave away all her money, he will have Allison in her life, where he will meet her at the gas station (his most precious gift from her).

What you can do: Start giving away your money to whoever needs it. You don’t have to give it all away, but just a part in excess. That’s not all because there is something else you can give in abundance and the good news is that it’s free. It can’t be anything but love. This force is so powerful that it can bring so many good things into your life if you do it without any expectations. Start giving money and love to those who really need them. You will start to see the changes.

Lesson 1 – Live life the way you really want it.

This is my favorite and important lesson that I learned from this movie. It is doing what we truly love in our lives. Most of us are struggling to do it, even Carl from the movie. After you start taking action at every opportunity, you’ll start living life the way you want to.

What you can do: There is one easy and simple thing you can do to live life the way you want. The first step is to discover what your passions are. When you have become aware of them, you can live life passionately by acting on them.

Life should be fun and happy. We are here to enjoy and use all the creations of this Universe. If not, why are they here? We’re only going to be here once, so why can’t we live life the way we want to? We can actually…Start saying yes to life now.

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