Health Fitness

7 Health Benefits of Eating Phytonutrient-Rich Apples: Protects Heart, Cells, Lungs, Brain, and Bones

Apples are one of the basic fruits. That is, they are almost always available, and we don’t normally think of them as exotic in the same way that we might say a mango or a lychee. Apples are one fruit. The combination of the particular nutrients found in apples work together to produce something that cannot be replicated.


Apples have a very high level of phytonutrients that act as antioxidants. Since these are mostly found in or near the skin, it’s important to find ways to eat the skin of the apple. The fiber in apples is soluble, pectin, and insoluble, cellulose. In addition to vitamins and minerals, apples contain flavonoids, which are a type of phytonutrient.


One of the flavonoids in apples is quercetin. A great deal of research has been done on quercetin, the results of which show that it has very significant health benefits. Researchers in Finland conducted long-term studies on this and found that quercetin, particularly as found in apples, is the flavonoid with the best potential health-promoting abilities.


Here are seven areas of health in which apples have been found to be helpful.


heart health

  • Protection of the cardiovascular system by the antioxidant factors of the apple.
  • Dietary fiber helps keep LDL cholesterol levels under control. Eating two apples a day can lower cholesterol by up to 16%.
  • Flavonoids help deal with inflammation and the buildup of platelets in the blood. They also regulate blood pressure and fat production in the liver. They help reduce the risk of heart disease and even after heart disease has occurred, they can help improve heart health.



Studies to date have shown that apples could reduce the risk of lung cancer. Other types of cancer that apples have the potential to help protect against include prostate, breast, and colon cancers. There is still ongoing research on these issues, but the possibility that apples protect against cancer is very exciting.


Asthma and Lung Health


Apples may have the ability to support lung health. Asthmatic children who drank apple juice every day had less wheezing than those who only drank it once a month.


Alzheimer disease


A study in mice showed that apples can protect brain cells from the damage that leads to Alzheimer’s disease.


Diabetes Management

The pectin in apples supplies the body with galacturonic acid, which reduces the need for insulin. Eating an apple between meals can help regulate blood sugar.




A study in Brazil found that dieters had greater weight loss when they ate three apples or pears each day than dieters who did not eat the fruit.


bone protection


Another flavonoid in apples called phloridzin may help increase bone density, thus protecting postmenopausal women from osteoporosis. Boron, a mineral found in apples, is known for its ability to strengthen bones.


There are many different types of apples, and they all have different amounts of various nutrients. Try to use many different types of apples. In addition to increasing apple consumption, it could provide a broader cross-section of the different amazing nutrients found in apples.

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