Lifestyle Fashion

Body detoxification techniques

If you are following any type of body detox program, there are many complementary and alternative therapies that are a great way to help your body through the process. Here are a few that you may not have thought of, but can offer some nice benefits to your detox diet.


Osteopathy is a manipulative therapy that reduces stress placed on the body by physical causes, such as poor posture or injury, and emotional causes, such as stress, anxiety, and fear. It can help relieve digestive disorders such as constipation, headaches, insomnia, and depression, among others. If you tell an osteopath that you are in a body detox, they can feel your liver to give you a type of liver detox that will stimulate their action and support their efforts.


Many osteopaths also use craniosacral therapy or craniotherapy techniques. The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid that rises and falls in a constant rhythm when we are well. The osteopath is trained to detect small variations in the movement of this fluid that indicate emotional or physical trauma to the bones, organs, or areas of the body innervated by the spinal nerves at each point.

While you are lying on your back, the therapist will place their fingers along your spine, moving them up, vertebra by vertebra, to feel for the place(s) where the flow is restricted and then may release it with gentle pressure.

The effects of craniotherapy

Craniotherapy has a profoundly relaxing effect on people and can improve the function of the immune, digestive, respiratory, hormonal, and circulatory systems.

Some people experience a healing crisis within 24 hours of their treatment, but it shouldn’t be too severe. This gentle therapy tends to be highly recommended as part of a body cleanse by all who try it.


This general term is now used to refer to all kinds of water-based treatments. There are several different methods of hydrotherapy that can be particularly helpful when you are on a body detox diet. The choice depends on personal preference, since they are all pleasant and effective.

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