
Do’s and Don’ts of Commercial Power Comparison

Unlike home energy, commercial energy rates are tailored and can vary widely. This means that it is very important to make a thorough comparison of the various providers on the market. The result of this process is a profitable contract aligned with your energy strategy.

Here is a list of corporate energy do’s and don’ts as you face the daily challenge of implementing an effective energy policy:

energy comparison

— Compare prices: An increasing number of energy providers means more competition in the market and more opportunities for a powerful business energy comparison.
—Get a breakdown of gas and electricity unit rates, as well as permanent charges (the fixed cost of having an energy supply). Remember that lower unit costs may be offset by a higher ongoing charge, and vice versa.
—Make sure that if you get a fixed-term contract, this agreement refers to the amount of time an agreement is fixed, rather than referring to the fixed cost of the energy rate.
—Check if your business qualifies for exemption from the Climate Change Tax (CCL).
—Remember that your business energy needs are unique: no two businesses are alike, which means you need to compare business energy on a case-by-case basis.

Power Comparison Don’t

—Don’t wait too long before searching the market for a new commercial energy supplier. You can be placed on a new contract 120 days before the end of your current contract, but it can take up to 28 days to process the change, so don’t leave it until the last minute.
—Don’t be afraid to negotiate, since the energy rates for companies are personalized, this gives you the opportunity to negotiate lower energy prices.
—Don’t fall into the trap of automatically renewing your existing contract, as this prevents you from switching and saving when your contract ends.
—Don’t worry about downtime—there should be no interruptions to your gas and electricity when you switch providers.
—Don’t rush the process: Once you’ve signed a contract, you typically don’t have a ‘window period’ to cancel the contract. You are usually locked in for the full term of the contract once you have signed.

Leave it in the hands of the experts

The process of searching for commercial energy quotes can be difficult and time consuming for SMB teams that are already overstretched. A quick call with a knowledgeable energy broker can not only speed up the commercial energy comparison process, but also help you save on your monthly utility bills.

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