
Making a homemade heater for the dog’s house

In most climates, a well-insulated doghouse of the right size will keep your dog warm and cozy. But if you live in a very cold climate, your dog’s body heat may not be enough to keep the dog house warm.

In that case, you will want some kind of dog house heater. People often want to know if it is possible to make one themselves. The answer is yes, you can make a homemade dog heater, as long as you know enough to set the electrical side of things safely. You will need to know a little about wiring and the like in order to make your own doghouse heater.

So how do you make a dog house heater? Well, there is one particular type of heater that is very simple to build: the heater box. The basic principle is simple: the key piece is simply a light bulb. If you’ve ever tried to change a light bulb that has just been turned on, you know how hot they get! Therefore, a single light bulb can be enough to keep the dog house warm.

You need to install it on top of the doghouse, so your dog can get in and out without getting burned. Do not put it straight on top, however, you need a few inches of clearance from the surrounding surfaces, or you will be at risk of fire. Therefore, drill a hole near the top of the wall and route the cables to the outlet.

You should be able to run them in a way that your dog cannot reach them, because if he chews on them, he will take a nasty impact. If your dog’s house is against a fence, you can run the wires directly through the fence. Otherwise, you may need to cover them with a specially designed casing or bury them. You can get metal casings at hardware stores, but a little garden hose can also be a great casing, and there are other types of hard plastic tubing you can get at hardware stores that may work.

Back inside the dog house, you will want to cover the bulb with something, or the light may prevent your dog from sleeping. An old paint can is a good option for this, or a large food or coffee can. Remove any paper covers, of course. Make a few small holes to let the air out and then place the can, over the bulb, on the wall. If you screw it in, you can easily remove it when you need to change the bulb.

Alternatively, make a large hole in the bottom of the can and attach the bottom of the can to the wall; in other words, place the bulb. inside the can. Then just put the lid on the can to cover the light.

If you want, you can paint the can black, which helps the heat to radiate.

If you want to get really fancy, you can add a dimmer switch, so you can adjust the heat, or a thermostat, to control the temperature.

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