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Modern MLM Domain: Network Marketing Prospecting vs. No Prospecting

MLM… Prospecting Over Not Prospecting

What I am here to explain is the importance of prospecting in your MLM opportunity. Prospecting can be done simply and only in two ways. The two methods of prospecting in your MLM business are you ask or they ask you. With simplicity, insight, and understanding, I’m going to explain how prospecting came, went, and is now back in full force with the power of the Internet.

Prospecting is the lifeline of the network marketing industry. No one would sign up or have information about MLM, if it weren’t for prospecting people. However, prospecting has evolved. Remember 3-way calls? Do you remember Hotel rally’s? Do you remember the NO’s? Do you remember the rejection? We will be here today to let you know that those techniques and behaviors are a thing of the past. This industry is going to another level. Also, the industry doesn’t care if you don’t adapt and make a change in prospecting techniques and mindset.

We are entering an era in which you feel attracted and/or seduced by an opportunity. Seems like it has nothing to do with it at all, I might add. People will be drawn to you offline because of your energy and zest for life, not a script of interest. And those online will be drawn to the meaningful content and information you post that is worthwhile for them. You want leads that are preemptive leads, where people call you. Network marketing has for years been an industry run by millions of people, close to 98%, who know nothing about marketing. Once you learn how to stop prospecting and understand the true essence of marketing, your MLM business will far exceed your expectations.

On the other hand, if you decide not to choose the wealth route and continue to run a true non-profit organization from the comfort of your living room, you’re bound to be angry that you did. I myself, for a long time, was an evangelist of traditional network marketing style and techniques. Prospecting was something I really enjoyed for the laughs more than finding out if the person was qualified. He knew what all the leader lines were and jokingly used them for recruiting sometimes. Did he have passion? Of course. Did I recruit people for my business? Indeed. But they were those same individuals, QUALITY people… NO. Prospecting is about to die out.

I think traditional prospecting techniques will be a thing of the past because no one wants to be prospected anymore. See MLM is experiencing rapid growth right now, both online and offline. It’s all MLM anyway, right? People are being prospected at all levels because they are being told that the recession is turning everyone into prospects. So what happens? Everyone is being duplicable and prospecting everyone. Some are being recruited just because someone jokingly wants to see if they get recruited. Make sure you are on the right side of the computer as this evolution takes place in the industry.

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