
Puppy Potty Training: 21st Century Tips for Success

House training a puppy can be just as difficult as house training a baby. Because of this, there are some tips that all pet owners can use to improve their chances of success in potty training puppies. One of the main tips anyone can use is to be consistent in her training methods. There are many different methods you can use to train your puppy and some work better for certain pets than others. However, the best way to ensure that the method you select will work is to stick with it. Your pup is young and learning every day, so you’ll have a better chance of learning faster if you do the same thing every day.

To get started with potty training your puppy, you’ll want to start small. This means that you should restrict your puppy’s access to the house for a while. Many people have found it beneficial to keep their pup in a room that is easy to clean and block the entrance with a baby gate. Of course, you can let him out when you are home and can keep an eye on him, but you should stay in this room when no one is home or when no one can keep an eye on him constantly.

You should also stick to the same feeding schedule when potty training the puppy. This is because it will also put them on a bathroom schedule. It is best that you feed him at least four hours before going to bed and take away his water at least two. The important thing is to be consistent with this because they will get used to it faster. Another time to stick to is when you take him outside. You should do this in the morning, about 15 minutes after you eat or drink and then just before bed. A good way to make sure he goes is to not play with him until he does.

If you find that your puppy doesn’t move when you take him outside, you should put him back in his crate for about 15 minutes. She tries to get him out then. Potty training puppies should not be seen as the downside of being a pet owner. If he does, he will be frustrated with his pup and will have a harder time training him. Positive reinforcement works well because your pup knows when he did something right. So, go ahead, he leaves the dark ages and starts using what works in the 21st century.

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