Health Fitness

Subway Diet – The Grand Diet Business Method Explained

You’re all familiar with the Subway Diet starring Jared, the guy who lost 245 pounds in a year by walking and replacing two meals a day with Subway sandwiches. Now, as Paul Harvey would say, it’s time for the rest of the story. Read on for a brief history of the Subway diet.

Like college students, Jared Fogle had a part-time job, his own at an adult bookstore, to pay for college. He sat for many hours in a classroom, sat for many hours behind the counter at the video store while snacking, and ended up weighing 425 pounds as a result. Jared realized that his weight was critical and began looking for a way to lose a few pounds.

None of the diets he tried worked, he couldn’t stick to them. But then she found a Subway store near his bedroom. Without knowing it he was inventing the Subway diet. Jared decided to skip breakfast every day, walk the mile and a half to Subway for lunch and dinner, during which he only consumed a sandwich, a bag of baked chips, and a diet soda. His caloric intake plummeted from around 10,000 calories a day to just 900, with 6 miles of walking added in for good measure. The result of Jared’s personal Subway diet was a 245-pound loss in just one year.

How did this Subway diet become a national advertising campaign for the Subway chain? After losing weight, Jared met a friend who worked on the school newspaper. This friend barely recognized Jared, so he decided to write an article about his amazing weight loss. Men’s Health magazine picked up the story as part of an article on weird diets that work. A Chicago subway franchisee brought the story to the attention of his publicity people, who talked to Jared to make sure he was legit. They took the ad idea to Subway’s national advertising agency, which didn’t like the idea, so they created a local campaign for Chicago featuring the Subway diet.

Needless to say, the Subway diet became a huge success. Suddenly, Jared and his Subway diet were everywhere: in the papers, on TV, and even on Oprah. Now it was the turn of the national agency to ask about the publication of the ads throughout the country.

The Subway diet has worked for many people. But keep in mind that Jared’s extreme calorie reduction and extreme weight loss program is potentially dangerous overall. His calorie reduction and exercise plan is well known for leading to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

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