
The groundhog day technique

I have found an interesting technique that is helping me to improve my life. Part of this technique I got from the book Awakened Imagination by Neville Goddard.

It has a chapter on giving yourself and recreating your day, as you would have liked it to be, in your imagination. What I have discovered over the past 16 years is that visualization and imagination are very powerful. By closing my eyes and seeing the day as I want it to be, I am, in a sense, rewriting my reality. It’s like being in the movie Groundhog Day.

In that movie, the main character, Bill Murray, constantly relives Groundhog Day. Every morning he wakes up at 6 am to the same music, and it’s Groundhog Day all over again. It is one of my favorite movies. He goes through many different experiences. He realizes that he doesn’t have to suffer any consequences because the next day he can start over.

Therefore, it is pleased with all kinds of food and pastries. She finds out personal details about a woman so she can convince her that they went to the same high school for her to sleep with him. In later days, he starts breaking the law and ends up in jail, but in the morning, he wakes up in the hotel and it’s Groundhog Day all over again.

Later he tries to commit suicide. She does it many times but the next day she wakes up in the same bed. After hundreds of days of the same day, he begins to become a better man. He starts saving people, he takes piano lessons, he starts learning the names of all the people in town. Eventually, he is able to get the girl from him, but only when he gives up on that goal, through manipulation, and instead is just doing good deeds, all day. She ends up liking him for the man he became. He previously tried to seduce her knowing all her interests but she didn’t fall for it.

It’s a wonderful movie and even has some funny moments. I don’t understand why people call it comedy. It is actually a drama and a deep spiritual story.

In essence, we have our own Groundhog Days every time we wake up. We can choose to live our lives and make the most of them or be like Bill Murray at the beginning; very negative

This has nothing to do with morality. We should not do things just because they are right, but because it would give us the greatest enjoyment and satisfaction in life. Try not to be enslaved by false morals. Determine your own morality. Morality is a man-made creation; sometimes they are right and other times all they do is limit your freedom unnecessarily.

To learn more about this, read Harry Browne’s amazing book How I Found Freedom in a World Without Freedom. I have given this book to many of my friends, it is liberating. There are many concepts in there that can totally change your life. I like to reread it at least once a year.

In other words, you are not improving yourself for some moral reason, but because it would bring you greater happiness. Sometimes we think that we are happy watching television or doing other things that have little consequence for our goals. However, you may find that you would actually enjoy your time much more and feel a tremendous sense of self-worth if you accomplished significant things in your life.

So, here’s what the Groundhog Day Technique can help you do, among other things. Just visualize your day as you would have liked it to be. Do you wish you hadn’t done or said something? Would you like to have worked on a project instead of surfing TV channels for 4 hours and not seeing anything interesting? Just look at your whole day and see areas of your day the way you would like them to be. Make it come true in your imagination. Even if you have negative news, play it in your imagination in a positive light. This is not the time to be realistic because your reality is created first, in your imagination.

Even if the events happen, you can take the sting off by visualizing a positive outcome. Let’s say you had an argument with someone at work. You can visualize the experience as if it had continued without any kind of confrontation. The funny thing is that your visualization will affect the other person on a subconscious level. I have proven this in my own life repeatedly. We are all interconnected spiritually. If you send out positive vibes, only good things will come back to you. You don’t have to react to circumstances, you can create them instead.

If you visualize bad things, then the bad things will come back to you. Don’t get angry quickly because it will come back to you. Your thoughts are very powerful, you must be careful with them. Be careful how you talk to yourself, in your inner dialogue. What you say will manifest itself in some way in your life. It can manifest simply in limited thinking and therefore limited results.

Now to the second part of the technique: I start my day in the morning by visualizing how I would like my day to be. You can visualize the things you expect to do. You can also visualize meeting people or having a day of adventure. You will certainly have a better chance of attracting these things into your life if you wait for them to happen. You can even tell yourself that you are going to have a wonderful day. Try it, it works.

I have been getting fantastic results. I have been becoming much more accomplished. Also, my day is now suffused with the magic of imagination. I am living the life I have imagined and it is extremely enjoyable. Visualization is equivalent to programming a computer, except you are programming your own mind. It’s a great way to get yourself to do more of what you really want to do, even if you have some initial resistance or bad habits.

I just do a short read from a spiritually inspiring book and then do my visualization for 10-15 minutes. Then at night I do another visualization as I go to bed and relive my day as I would have liked it to be. But as I get better, I find less need to review the day because I am more and more happy with the way my day is going.

You could shorten the technique even more if you do it at night in bed while you are falling asleep. Then in the morning, visualize your day going the way you want it to go while you’re still in bed. Even if you only put in 5 minutes a day, morning and night in total, the technique is effective.

Another thing you can do is review past events that are still bothering you. They could have been from years ago. However, if you are guilty or angry about a past event, this can slow down your progress in your current life. You have to forgive in order to move on in life. Anger and feelings of guilt attract discord and negative results in your life. That’s why it’s not good to be argumentative or pessimistic. You attract into your life what you imagine and what you THINK you are. Why not be optimistic instead? You will find that you have a much more positive and magical life when you do this.

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