Health Fitness

Brown Rice May Raise Serotonin Levels to Help Depression

Depression is a psychological condition caused by a variety of chemical and environmental factors. However, studies generally reveal that people who suffer from depression have higher levels of serotonin than their non-depressed counterparts. Several studies have shown that the balance of this neurotransmitter can be improved by eating brown rice, although there is some debate among the scientific community. However, this is one of the foods that nutritionists have recommended for those who are depressed by fatty or sugary foods like pizza or cheesecake.

Brown rice is particularly rich in healthy low-fat carbohydrates. Researchers have found that these so-called “smart” carbohydrates can stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain. As serotonin levels rise in depressed patients, they begin to experience an improvement in their symptoms because the chemical balance of neurotransmitters is restored. It’s important to realize that brown rice by itself is not a treatment for depression, but it can work in conjunction with antidepressants to help improve mood.

The effects of increased serotonin production are fairly well known in the medical community and those taking antidepressants that increase serotonin levels. Mood tends to improve and people end up feeling less anxious and irritable. Those whose serotonin levels are inflated by drugs or diet feel more relaxed with a greater ability to focus on specific tasks.

It is the chemicals found in brown rice that allow for an increase in serotonin levels. Folic acid, for example, is known to simulate brain development and brain cell function. Folic acid promotes relaxation, improves mood and increased concentration. These positive effects can mitigate the negative effects that people with depression often experience.

The vitamin B1, vitamin B3, and a variety of minerals present in brown rice also stimulate brain and nervous system function. They have a positive effect on serotonin and also on other neurotransmitters. These vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on general health by boosting immunity and energy.

Brown rice is a food with a low glycemic index. This means that the glucose it contains is gradually released into the bloodstream. This allows blood sugar levels to be largely unaffected after meals. In this way, spikes and dips in blood sugar are effectively prevented. These fluctuations are known to cause mood swings that are particularly strong in people with depression. Brown rice can prevent mood swings and give you substantial relief from depression as part of an overall depression treatment plan.

There are other health benefits too. The soluble fiber in this type of rice favors the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, nutrients from food will be better absorbed by the body. As a result, the functioning of all organs and systems, including the brain, will be stimulated. Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol and promotes heart health. In this way, it can help reduce the negative effects of depression on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

Now you know how brown rice can help fight depression. This food has a wide variety of benefits, including the stimulation of serotonin production. It’s perfectly harmless to enjoy too. One important thing that people suffering from depression should know is that the best possible results can be obtained by cooking organically produced plain rice.

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