Dig This – It’s National Potato Month!

My editor recently informed me that September is National Potato Month. Being both an Irishman by descent and a lover of all things mash, baking, chips and roasting, I eagerly volunteered to do some digging for dirt on the beloved vegetable. According to the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, potatoes are the most popular vegetable in America… hands […]

Top 3 Weight Loss Pitfalls

You may think you’re doing everything right and yet your weight loss efforts are at a standstill, or worse, you’ll find the scales tipping in the wrong direction! Maybe you successfully lost weight, but now the number on the scale is going back up. What’s going on here? Well, there are some common traps that people tend to fall into […]

How many calories do you burn in a day naturally?

How many calories do you burn in a day avoiding fat burning pills? If you want to burn calories and lose weight, do it naturally! Please stay away from all amphetamines or metabolic stimulants – these weight loss program diet supplements will not help you burn calories or lose any weight for long and are generally unhealthy. Instead, take up […]

5 tips to end emotional eating

If you’re struggling with emotional eating, you’re not alone. I still catch myself doing it: I sat down at my computer the other day, opened a bag of Terra chips, and started shoveling them. I stopped before I ate the whole bag because I realized what I was doing. Usually, when we eat out of emotions, it’s common to “check” […]

Protein Diet – How Does It Work?

Do you really want to liquidate your excess weight permanently? So you are looking for a healthy lifestyle that makes it easier for you to maintain the right weight. A protein diet or a high protein diet is a great way to eat tasty and healthy. The great advantage of the protein diet is that you will not eat unhealthy […]

12 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat

1. Schedule your meals: Most people only focus on what’s on their plate, not when they eat. Eating smaller meals every three to four hours can speed up your metabolism, which helps burn fat. The key is knowing your serving size so you eat enough to keep you going for a few more hours. 2. Eat more Protein: It is […]

Calories in White Wine

Health conscious people are always interested in the caloric content of the food and drinks they consume. White wine calories can vary depending on the wine itself. Beverages/white wines is a term used to describe several varieties of wine, and the calories per glass of each can be different. For those who are watching their caloric intake and their general […]

Uses and Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

When you’re on a ketogenic diet, your body becomes more of a fat burner than a carb-dependent machine. Several investigations have linked the consumption of greater amounts of carbohydrates with the development of various disorders such as diabetes and insulin resistance. By nature, carbohydrates are easily absorbable and therefore can also be easily stored by the body. The digestion of […]

Brown Rice May Raise Serotonin Levels to Help Depression

Depression is a psychological condition caused by a variety of chemical and environmental factors. However, studies generally reveal that people who suffer from depression have higher levels of serotonin than their non-depressed counterparts. Several studies have shown that the balance of this neurotransmitter can be improved by eating brown rice, although there is some debate among the scientific community. However, […]