Lifestyle Fashion

Grapefruit diet – Is it really recommended?

The grapefruit diet is an example of a fad diet and was known as the Hollywood diet during the 1930s. It’s a quick and hassle-free way to shed those fats, promote wellness, and improve health. Studies conducted by Dr. Ken Fuijoka and the Center for Nutrition and Metabolism Research in 2004 indicated that there was a strong connection between eating grapefruit at every meal and weight loss. This study has boosted the fame of the grapefruit diet more for its practicality and effectiveness.

The grapefruit diet works by consuming half a grapefruit or a glass of its juice at each meal. What can we get from grapefruit? Grapefruits are low in calories and sodium, lower cholesterol levels and the risk of diabetes. It lowers the level of insulin in the body, which is beneficial in blood sugar level and in regularizing fat metabolism routine. This causes its consumption to be used to gain energy. The naringin found in grapefruit blocks the intake of fatty acids in the body, which helps in weight loss. The main thought of this diet is to reduce the consumption of insulin in the body.

The diet calls for consuming one to eight glasses of water every day. Coffee can be drunk but it is not recommended because it hinders the weight loss process. Grapefruit acts as an initiator of the fat burning process in the body. Exercise is also not recommended for users of this diet because their low-calorie plan may not support the energy needed for activity.

A typical menu for this diet consists of bacon and eggs for breakfast, meat and salad for lunch and dinner. A glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice should complete each meal. The amount of food you take is unlimited so you won’t feel hungry. You can also make use of butter in food preparation.

The grapefruit diet lasts for 12 days and cannot be repeated a few more times. It is only a short-term diet because the food groups necessary for a balanced diet and general well-being are not enough. Because of its menu, it can only give you 800 calories a day which is inadequate for daily activities.

In short, the grapefruit diet is highly efficient and has been shown to give positive results. However, it should be used as a short-term plan just to start losing weight because it can cause health problems once used for a longer time because it may lack the nutrients your body needs.

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